
Kincoppal - Rose Bay had boarders before it was amalgamated and is still known for borders all across Australia and even overseas. Boarding can start from year 7 and anyone can be enrolled.

What positive learning experiences do you get from boarding

Boarding at KRB has many positive experiences as you create friendships not just in your year, but other years too. Boarding allows girls to get on a more personal level than day girls as you live together and see each other a lot more, which can create a special bond. Some weekends there is a 'boarders in' weekend, this gets all the boarders to bond and have fun doing activities.

Boarding this day is different from boarding in the 60s. Nowadays, boarding provides many positive and learning experiences and bonding with the roommates and fellow boarders. Back then, boarders weren't allowed to see their family for several months and weren't allowed to go back any weekends. Boarders now get opportunities to be a weekly boarder.

The Angels Dormitory (left), boarders eating in the Boarders' Dining Room (top right), picture of some boarders (bottom right).

Procession of the lanterns

This is an important time for the boarders and the boarding community. At this time they celebrate the Feast Day of the Sacred Heart. This is a positive experience for the boarders as it is a tradition to the school and is an opportunity only for boarders.

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