Spatial experience: Upon entering the Constans theatre shown above, I was overwhelmed by the size and quality of the theatre. Since staring my spring semester at UF, I have only had one experience at a play before on Broadway in New York so I was not expecting such a large and well quality theatre produced by the University. Although my seating was on the far right in the middle, it allowed me to view the play from a different angle and see the lighting hit the stage from a different perspective. Due to my seating, I felt like I was able to have an up close and personal experience with the actors once the play began.
Social experience: Although I went to the play by myself, the sold out theatre made it easy for me to find my friend,George, whose in my discussion group and led to overall enhancing my experience. This enhanced my experience due to the fact that we were able to express our opinions and thoughts about the play and what improvements we thought could have been made to the play to improve the overall production. Being able to view different opinions and perspectives is my interpretation of being open minded and allowing one to enhance the good life.
Cultural and intellectual experience: Due to this play, I was able to get a new inside perspective on the lives and issues that plagues the lives of those in the early 1900s that allowed me to understand the culture and intermediate feelings of those involved. I was able to see how those affected by poverty, child labor and oppression from religious institutions dealt with the hardships they faced.
Emotional Experience: Throughout the play I was able to indicate the the usages of emotional relief. This allows us to discover our inner happiness thus leading towards a path for a good life.

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