
MAPS end of term News December 20th 2019

A final farewell to Mrs Stevenson, who we sadly say good bye to today. She will be missed by staff and pupils alike. She has said: "I would just like to say thank you for all of your kind words, well wishes, cards and gifts. It has been my absolute pleasure to be a part of MAPS over the past 5 and half years and the children are a credit to themselves, you as their families and also the dedicated team of staff in school. I will continue to follow the progress of the school with fondness and hope to be able to pop in for a visit in the near future. I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2020 and beyond." Karen Stevenson

Leopards are swimming on the first Friday of term (for 6 weeks). Please ensure you have completed your consent form (no consent form = no swimming) and have the right kit for swimming.

Listening to your concerns: Parking.

We have tried to reduce the parking problems in a number of ways - whilst we admit to not being perfect we are happy if anyone else has any further good ideas:

  • We have a drop off service in the mornings helping you by not having to stop.
  • We now have an extensive after school club programme - which means that lots of pupils are picked up at 4.30 and not 3.30
  • We have a pick up 30 minutes after MAA, again easing congestion.
  • I have asked that MAA staff park in their reserve car park - thereby freeing up more spaces in the main car park.
  • We have contacted the police to see if there is any way in which we can modify the traffic flow on Trinity Avenue to ease things at peak times.
  • If you have any other helpful ideas do please try and pass them on.

Reception staff gave all their children a reading buddy and a book as their Christmas present.

We have linked the children’s home learning to it as well and hope to upload to tapestry pictures of them reading with their new buddies.

All buddies and books were purchased second hand to encourage a more eco friendly present and reduce plastic usage.

Keeping safe this festive break:

With Christmas fast approaching, it is important that you understand how to keep your child safe when using technology. There will be more children handling digital devices than ever before this year, and despite the happiness and entertainment they can bring, they can pose a number of dangers too.

Here is a link to an 'adult themed' video about staying safe online. https://nationalonlinesafety.com/resources/wake-up-wednesday/stay-safe-at-home-on-devices-this-christmas/

  • TOP TIPS: • Take note of legal age restrictions on games that you are buying. Restrictions are in place as the content on the game is not deemed appropriate for anyone under the recommended age. If you are unsure of an age restriction you can use commonsensemedia.org to find further information.
  • Always supervise your child whilst they are online (this means whilst on any technical device). This ensures you aware of what they are playing, watching or who they may be talking to.
  • If you are buying a new device for your child (phone, IPad, tablet, laptop...) then make sure you have set their accounts and set the filters and privacy settings, this includes setting parental controls. It is important that the privacy settings are set to private and NOT public.
  • Also ensure there is a balance between screen time and physical activity, this will lead to you having a happy and healthy festive break!

If you have any concerns or questions please do speak to Miss Brown (Online Safety Lead). You can also look at the thinkuknow website or the nationalonlinesafety website for further advice.

Many thanks to the Friends of MAPS who generously gave each child in the school a book for Christmas. I hope they enjoy reading it and snuggling up over the festive break.

Alison Hawkins-Smith. We are sad to say farewell to Alison who has taken up an opportunity much closer to home. Thank you for all the organisation in the main office and oiling the wheels of the school to ensure it runs smoothly.

  • The last 7 weeks have as usual shot by and I hope you get the time over the break to reflect with your children on what they have achieved as individuals, but also collectively over this time. It is not right to list individual achievements here: they know who they are can can wear their laurels with pride. We are every bit as proud of those who gave their all in whatever setting, and who reflected our virtues in the way they acted. We all (I hope) stride for progress rather than perfection, and it is heartening to read of such progress in their reports.
  • Most recently the Inter House Singing Competition brought out the best in our pupils. They all gave everything to the competition and sang their hearts out. They were generous in their applause of all the entries, and appreciative of all the songs. Gracious losing is still on the wish list for some, but we are generally getting better at this too.
  • The Friends of MAPS have been very generous with their time and efforts this term. They have given out books to every child, run a super movie night, and also hosts cake sales and the fantastic glow disco. As I write we are hosting a panto which is funded by them too. So we have done really well by them. Please, if you are able, do consider volunteering to help them at odd events. Without helpers they can not put on these events for your children.
  • Above all, I am delighted that this is a happy school. It is one that you seem to value and are prepared to recommend (thank you to you and the parental survey which confirmed this). It is one that whenever we have a space, it is filled by a child really wanting to come here. The existing pupils skip into school each day and feel safe and valued. They are clearly learning well and making excellent progress academically. So a big thank you to you for your part in making this school such a success.
  • My thanks also go to my staff. All of whom work incredibly hard, put in hours way above their pay scale, and who always have the best interests of your children at heart. No-one really enters this profession as a job - it truly is a vocation and done for the love of the children. In all my varied experience of different schools, this really is the case here. The staff are fantastic. Please do take the time to thank them for all they do.
  • Have a lovely festive season, and enjoy your children. Simon.

Term starts on Tuesday 7th January 2020 at 8.30. Please ensure uniforms and shoes are all present and correct. There are no uniform issues with our supplier any more - so please ensure all the grey skirts etc are replaced.

Clubs will start from that first Tuesday. Please go to www.mychildatschool.com for confirmation of places.

Assembly programme on Fridays: Week 1 = KS2, Week 2 = KS1, and then they alternate.

I am very grateful to Mr Trotter who will be taking over the SEND in the school. If you have any special educational needs questions Mr Trotter is you main point of contact.

Well done to Piccard who won the InterHouse Cup this term - a close fought battle!

Christmas Run: thank you for all the great Christmas costumes and the fact that everyone contributed and ran in some not very nice conditions. We have managed to raise over £2,200 which is a fantastic result for the Inspiration Fund. Thank you! Our biggest fundraisers were

  • Reception: Ava Jenkins who raised £95
  • Years 1/2: Emilia Barnett who raised a whopping £205
  • Years 3/4/5: James Wing who raised £60
  • Those who ran the furthest distance: Reception: John Akinleye
  • Year 1/2 Ahil Hussain
  • KS2: Harrison Waterson

Friends of MAPS messages

  • Christmas Cake Sales Thank you for supporting the two cake sales held by the Friends Of MAPS on Tuesday. Your patience was much appreciated during the peak demand and we raised over £200. We had a few surplus cakes at the end, which were donated to local charities.
  • Creative Classroom
  • We are excited to announce plans for a major new building. Expanding on the original plans for a Sensory Room, we intend to have a new separate structure at the back of our site that will also incorporate additional learning space for other subjects, including Art.
  • DRET Estates management have committed to support this initiative. Funds raised so far for the Sensory Room will be boosted by DRET and the Friends Of MAPS will use their new charity status to maximise fundraising income for this initaitive, and will also mobilise the resources necessary to deliver the new building. A Project Manager is already in place and a small team of parents will drive the next phase through to, hopefully, gaining planning permission by Spring.
  • We intend to release more details for you early next year, including a potential design of the building.
  • The View From The Chair - a Christmas Message from the Friends Of MAPS
  • Thank you for supporting all our events this year. Your generosity has meant that your children have had some really special memories of 2019, including, amongst other highlights, the chance to soak Mr Northcott and Mr Trotter at the Summer Fair, enjoying Bingo with your family and even glowing in the dark at a disco!
  • Your support for our events has also helped fund some special Christmas memories. The Dick Whittington panto and the Christmas present your children received yesterday were a result of your continued generosity and the Friends Of MAPS elves could not have delivered these without your support.
  • The major milestone we achieved this year was to become a registered charity. We have many exciting plans for raising more funds for your children next year and we will be sharing more details with you in January.
  • We have also been working behind the scenes on the planning for the Creative Classroom, which will be our major fundraising focus next year. We will keep you informed of progress throughout this exciting development and I hope we can draw on your continued support for this major asset for your children.
  • Finally, a few words about the force of nature that is Mrs Stevenson. She has been the bedrock of the school and has been involved behind the scenes with every one of the Friends Of MAPS events since the start. Her guidance has been invaluable, her enthusiasm boundless, and we will sorely miss her presence. Her love for your children has been at the centre of everything she's achieved at MAPS and we wish her every success in her new role.
  • On behalf of the Friends Of MAPS team, may I wish you all a wonderful and restful Christmas.
  • Mark Peet, FOMAPS Chair


Created with images by Marcus Ng - "untitled image" • Haidan Soendawy - "untitled image"