Shay's Art Feb. 22, 2017

This is the first eye I drew. This was my first time drawing an eye this size.
This was the second eye I drew.
This is the eye I am currently working on now.

Skills: I believe I have been improving my drawing skills. I have been learning how to make my eye look more realistic throughout these three pictures. At first, I wasn't very sure how to make the eyelashes look real, but then I realized I needed to make them thicker with different sizes.

This project is engaging to me because drawing is one of my strengths in art. I like that with drawing, I can always go back and make changes. I also like drawing real life things, like people, and features of people.

I have already went back with this project. I kept thinking I could do better, and I see improvements with each one.

One artistic behavior I think I have exhibited throughout this project would be taking a risk. I haven't drawn anything since last year, which was my self portrait. I'm glad I ended up drawing because it's something I really enjoy.

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