Art Final Thomas Powers-Period E

Zentangle Design: Paper, Sharpie: "Perfect P"

Wire Sculpture: Wire, Wood, Foam Circles: "Iron Tiger"

Cut Canvas Design: Canvas, Colored Construction Paper: "Shape Attack"

Color Scheme Pattern Paintings: Illustration Board, Different Tones and Shades: "Color Explosion"

Perspective Drawing: Paper, Sharpie, Colored Pencil: City Street

1.My rule of thirds is Tom's. I did this by placing the building on the top right corner of the rule of 3rds.

2.Color- I used light and dark colors that I incorporated into my building.

Shape- The large and small shapes tie my picture together.

Line- The use of perspective and line cause the picture to be in perfect perspective.

The Calling of St Matthew, San Luigi dei Francesi, 1599–1600, By: Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

The point of emphasis is the men at the table because we follow the fingers pointing that lead to there. There is a lot of color and texture being used especially in the people's clothes. This art piece makes me feel like I am being called by someone. The artist does this with the pointing fingers and the expressions on the men's faces that are at the table.

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