Youth Tourism

Focus on Youth Tourism!

Young people are full of ideas, energy and hopes for the future. They are curious to see, experience and understand the world through traveling. In fact, more than 230 million of them (which is 23% of the over 1 billion international tourists) traveled around the world in 2015, according to UNWTO. Yes, youth tourism is the fastest growing segment in the international tourism. Young people often refers to people aged 15 to 29. So, why not focus on them to promote tourism industry more and more!?

Why am I interested in this particular "Young Tourism"??


Characteristics of Youth Travel

  • Emphasis on meeting other travelers
  • Flexible long travel schedule
  • Budget limited
  • purpose oriented... explore new places/ experience different culture, local lifestyle/ volunteer/ working holiday/ leisure...
Youth are generally Money Poor but Time Rich :-)

Youth Travel Styles

Backpacking/ Staying at Youth Hostel/ Au Pair/ Cultural Exchange/ Volunteer/ Working Holiday/ Internship etc...

hostel/ au pair/ backpacking

Be a Backpacker

Economic/ Cultural/ Social Impacts of Youth Tourism

<High Market Value> UNWTO reports that young travelers tend to travel longer, therefore, interestingly, they spend more money than other international tourists. In fact, an average total expenditure per trip is about $2,160, while other tourists spend $1,097 per trip. How can they gain money? They get support from their family or can work at the destinations. Moreover, youth travel market is resilient. Economic problems, political unrest or even epidemic have little impact on their traveling plans. So, in 2014, young travelers spent USD286 billion during their trips, which is $100 billion more than 5 years ago ($190 in 2009) and this market has been increasing rapidly.

<Direct Benefit on Local Community> Young travelers are more likely to visit "Less Popular" places. About 55% of them say that interacting with local and experience everyday life in different community are the most important in their trips. Thus, they spend more time and money there and that stimulates local business and economic development. Moreover, more and more young travelers focus on sustainable or ecotourism, such as environmental protection.

<Social Media> Today, Internet is a part of everyday life for youth. It enabled them to plan and book their own trip very easily. Moreover, by advertising or posting pictures, videos and comments on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat,,, all those SNS attract every young, friend, fellow in the world. The power of social media is tremendous. It promotes Youth Travel much more for sure.

Do you wanna know more about Youth Tourism?! Click here↓

Unexpected events, Troubles, Stupid ideas・・・ Memorable Travel Experience



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