
Imperialism is a policy in which a stronger country takes over a weaker country, usually after an internally industrial revolution, and often with war-like methods.

Imperialism is the extend of power and dominion, especially by gaining direct territory or gaining political and economical control over other areas. After the Industrial Revolution, this became a common practice of European nations seeking new sources of raw materials and markets.

Throughout history and the world, imperialism is not a rare practice. Many nations have taken over others, often with a less advanced knowledge in technology. This usually includes nations from recently discovered territories, like North and South America.

Mexico was one of these nations. The Spanish campaign to conquer began on February, 1519. It was declared victorious on August 13, 1521, when an army of Spanish forces captured the emperor Cuauhtemoc and Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. Three years later, in 1524, the Spanish introduced the Catholic religion to the natives, converting them to the most important religion in Mexico nowadays.

Between 1450 and 1750 Europeans traded with Africa, but only a few colonies were set up. By 1850, only a few colonies existed along African coastlines, such as Algeria, by the French, Cape Colony, conquered by Great Britain and Angola, who belonged to Portugal. Yet, all these would still belong to the great powers of the time, making them just an expansion of great empires.

After industrialization enriched and empowered the United States, the country too began to experiment with imperialism. It started with the purchase of Alaska to Russia, and followed with a coup of the native government in Hawaii, a plot sponsored by american planters and growers in the Hawaiian Islands, which clearly stated an economic motive.

China is also a country associated with imperialism. With the opium wars began when the Qing refused to listen refused to listen to British protests of the trade ban. The British sent well-armed infantry and gunboats to attack first Chinese coastal villages, and eventually towns along the Gran Canal. Although the British did not take over the government, they forced the Qing to sign a treaty allowing the trade.


Created with images by GregoryButler - "battleship engine room historic" • DB-Foto - "cannon southern states usa" • iivangm - "Centro Histórico de México" • skeeze - "hawaiian hula dancers aloha stadium dod photo"

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