EMC our story carolina,elena,ethan,Claudia and miguel.


Hy guys! My name is Emma and i'm 15 years old, I live in New York. I study in Hogwarts (LONDON). I like music since I was 3, and I sing since I was 5. My eyes are brown and my hair is brown and very curly.

Hi, My name is Richard and i'm 15 years old, My favorite color is Green and my favorite number is 16. I live in Hollywood. I study in Hogwarts. I play the battery since I was 6. My hair is blonde and my eyes are blue.

Hello, My name is Alison and i'm 14 years old. I live in California, I like go to running with Kim everyday. I study in Hogwarts academi (LONDON). I play the guitar since I was 5 years. My eyes are brown and my hair is Brown.

Hi there! My name is Kim and i'm 14 years old. I live in The Angels but I study in Hogwarts (LONDON). I play the piano since I was 5 and I like running with Alison everyday. My eyes are green and my hair is brown.

Hello, My name is Axel I'm 13 years old. I live in New York and I study in hogwarts (LONDON). I'm do the song since I was 7 years. I like play football. My hair is blonde and my eyes are brown.


We met at the dinning room of howgarts on November 25th of 2013. We are having an special dinner with the Raven college when suddenly one of the groups of Raven started throwing food to our desk and then we throw some food too. When we finished the fight one of the teachers told us to go to the detention room and to have 2 lessons a week for an extra subject after class. Then they told us to choose one subject : French, Mathematics or music. The second day of music class the teacher put everyone in groups of 5 and told us that we had to make a song and give it to her the next week. We did the original versión of "road to our dreams" and we decided to créate a personal group of music that we weren't going to how to anyone that was called MEC and we now changed it to EMC.



Created with images by Pexels - "piano music still life"

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