
川普反击中国共产党的全球野心 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:THE WASHINGTON TIMES;作者: Robert C. O'Brien;



自川普总统上台以来,在历经了贸易战、新冠疫情、香港国安法之后,使川普总统越来越相信文贵先生和爆料革命所提供的针对共产党的信息是唯真不破的。 CCP的狼子野心和无耻卑鄙的流氓手段淋漓尽致的展现在打压,抓捕和被自杀的香港民运人士身上。香港人民为了追寻自由民主和法制不惜冒着个人生命和财产的安全坚决抵制中共国实施的一系列不合理的法案。通过爆料革命的报道,这让美国政府和世界各国慢慢看清了CCP的邪恶嘴脸。随着新冠疫情的爆发,世界无一角落可以幸免于难。中共国和世界卫生组织的里应外合,狼狈为奸,导致疫情大规模的蔓延至此世界各地新增病例不断,死亡无数。CCP制造和屡次散播病毒的恶行昭然若揭。川普总统越来越意识到中国共产党的邪恶,若不除之,必为后患。


Trump fights back against Chinese Communist Party's global ambitions


Illustration on the reality of Communist China’s intentions by Alexander Hunter/The Washington Times By Robert C. O'Brien - - Wednesday, July 8, 2020

For decades, conventional wisdom held that it was only a matter of time before China would become more liberal, first economically and, then, politically. The more we opened our markets to China, the thinking went, the more we invested capital in China, the more we trained PRC bureaucrats, scientists, engineers, and even military officers, the more China would become like us.


Prior to Donald J. Trump taking office, it was under this premise that we welcomed China into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 with vast concessions, overlooked gross human rights abuses and turned a blind eye to widespread technology theft. As China grew richer and stronger, we believed, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would liberalize to meet the rising aspirations of its people.

川普总统上任之前,正是在此前提下,我们在2001年作出巨大的让步欢迎中共国加入世界贸易组织(WTO),我们忽视了中共国严重侵犯人权的行为,并对其普遍的技术盗窃行为视而不见。 我们相信,随着中共国变得越来越富强,中国共产党(CCP)将会变得自由化以满足人民日益增长的愿望。

We could not have been more wrong — and this miscalculation is the greatest failure of American foreign policy since the 1930s. How did we make such a mistake? We did so by ignoring the Chinese Communist Party’s ideology. Instead of listening to their leaders and reading their key documents, we believed what we wanted to believe — that they were Communist in name only.

我们大错特错了- 这种错误的估算是自1930年代以来美国外交政策的最大失败。 我们怎么会犯了这样的错误? 我们忽略了中国共产党的意识形态才犯下了这样的错误。我们只是愿意相信我们想相信的,而不是去聆听他们的领导者并阅读他们的关键文件 –实际上他们只是名义上的共产党员。

Let us be clear: The Chinese Communist Party is a self-proclaimed Marxist-Leninist organization. The Party General Secretary Xi Jinping sees himself as Josef Stalin’s successor. In fact, as journalist and former Australian government official John Garnaut has noted, the Chinese Communist Party is the last “ruling communist party that never split with Stalin, with the partial exception of North Korea.”

让我们明确一点:中国共产党是一个自称为马克思列宁主义的组织。 党总书记习近平将自己视为约瑟夫·斯大林的继任者。 实际上,正如记者和澳大利亚前政府官员约翰·加瑙特(John Garnaut)所指出的那样,中国共产党是最后一个“从未与斯大林分裂的执政共产党,除了北朝鲜部分例外”。

Under Marxist-Leninism, individuals do not have inherent value. People are merely a tool to achieve the ends of the nation state. These ideas may sound remote, but they are as fundamental to the Chinese Communist Party as the Bill of Rights is to Americans.

在马克思列宁主义下,个人没有内在价值。 人仅仅是实现民族国家目的的工具。 这些想法听上去很遥远,但它们对于中国共产党而言就像是《人权法案》是美国人的基础一样。

China is not a workers’ paradise. Xi Jinping’s Marxist-Leninism is a totalitarian ideology, which holds that all important aspects of life should be controlled by the Party, especially ideology. Beijing’s efforts to dominate political thought are stated openly and pursued aggressively. The Party is obsessed with ‘ideological security’ and issued a policy in 2013 stating that there should be “absolutely no opportunity or outlets for incorrect thinking or viewpoints to spread.”

中共国不是工人的天堂。 习近平的马克思列宁主义是极权主义的意识形态,认为生活的所有重要方面都应由党控制,特别是思想意识。 北京公开表示并为积极追求统治政治思想而作出努力。 该党沉迷于“思想安全”,并在2013年发布了一项政策,规定“绝对没有机会或渠道传播错误的思想或观点。”

Within China, this policy means mandatory study sessions on Communist ideology and the required use of smartphone apps teaching so-called “Xi Jinping Thought.” It also means complete Party control of media and heavy censorship. Outside sources of information are banned — from foreign newspapers to Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp.

中共国,这项政策意味着共产主义思想意识是人们的必修课程,并且必须使用智能手机应程式用来教授“习近平思想”。 这也意味着党对媒体的完全控制和严格的审查制度。 禁止外部信息源-从外国报纸到推特,脸谱和WhatsApp。

The Chinese Communist Party reinterprets religious texts, including the Bible, to support Party ideology. It locks up millions of Muslim Uyghurs and other minorities in re-education camps where they are subjected to political indoctrination and forced labor. If you express views contrary to the Party line, you are jailed.

中国共产党重新诠释了包括圣经在内的宗教文本,使它们支持党的意识形态。 中共把数百万的穆斯林维吾尔族人和其他少数群体关押在再教育集中营,在那里他们受到中共政治思想的灌输和强制性的劳动。 如果你表达的观点与党的路线背道而驰,则会被判入狱。

Americans should be concerned — Mr. Xi’s ambitions for ideological control are not limited to his own people. Efforts to control information and expression globally are well under way. Nearly every Chinese language news outlet in the U.S. is controlled by the Party. Americans hear pro-Beijing propaganda on more than a dozen FM radio stations. Twitter has removed more than 170,000 CCP-linked accounts since August for spreading propaganda.

美国人应该为此担心-习近平对思想意识进行控制的野心不仅限于他自己的人民。在全球范围内控制个人信息和观点,也在努力落实中。 美国几乎所有的中文新闻媒体都由该党所控制。 美国人能在十几个FM广播电台上听到支持北京的宣传。 自8月以来,推特已关掉了超过170,000个与中共相关的帐户,因为它们替中共进行宣传。

In addition to influencing the information Americans receive regarding China, the Chinese Communist Party is increasingly using its leverage to control American speech. For example, when the general manager of the Houston Rockets tweeted his support for peaceful Hong Kong protesters, the CCP announced its team’s games would not be shown on Chinese TV. The Party used its economic power to pressure others in basketball, including star players, to criticize the tweet on behalf of Beijing.

除了影响美国人获得的有关中共国的信息外,中国共产党越来越多地利用其手段来控制美国人的言论。 例如,当休斯顿火箭队总经理在推特上表示支持和平的香港示威者时,中共宣布其球队的比赛将不会在中国电视上播出。 该党利用其经济实力向篮球界的其他人士(包括明星球员)施压,以代表北京批评该推文。

In other instances, under pressure from the CCP, American, Delta and United Airlines removed references to Taiwan from their websites. Mercedes Benz apologized for posting an inspirational quote from the Dalai Lama. In post-production, MGM digitally changed the invading military from China to North Korea in the “Red Dawn” remake.

还有其他类似的情况,在中共的压力下,美国,达美和联合航空从其网站上删除了对台湾的引用。 梅赛德斯·奔驰(Mercedes Benz)为张贴达赖喇嘛的励志名言而道歉。 在后期制作中,米高梅将翻拍的“红色黎明”里的侵略军从中共国转改成朝鲜。

The Chinese Communist Party is also gathering data on individual Americans — your words, purchases, whereabouts, health records, posts, texts and social network. It collects your data through “backdoors” built into products that Chinese businesses such as Huawei and ZTE sell around the world — and they steal it.

同时,中国共产党还在收集有关每个美国人的数据 - 你的言行,购买,行踪,健康记录,帖子,文本和社交网络。 中共通过内置在华为和中兴等中共国企业在全球销售的产品中的“后门”来收集你的数据,然后他会窃取这些数据。

In 2014, the Chinese hacked Anthem Health Insurance; in 2015, the Office of Personnel Management, which holds security clearance information; in 2017, Equifax; and in 2019, Marriot Hotels. In these instances alone, China gathered key information on more than 300 million Americans, to include names, birth dates, Social Security numbers, credit scores, health records and passport numbers.

在2014年,中国黑客入侵了Anthem健康保险; 在2015年,(攻击了)负责安全检查信息的人事管理办公室; 在2017年,Equifax; 和在2019年,万豪酒店。 仅在这些黑客攻击中,中共国就收集了超过3亿美国人的关键信息,其中包括姓名,出生日期,社会保险号,信用评分,健康记录和护照号码。

In 2016, a Chinese company even bought the dating app Grindr to harvest its data, including the HIV status of users, before the U.S. forced a divestiture on national security grounds.


How will the Chinese Communist Party use this data you might ask? The same way it uses data within China’s borders: to target, influence, coerce and even blackmail you to say and do things that serve the Party’s interests.

你可能会问中国共产党将如何使用这些数据呢? 它会用在中共国境内一样的方法使用这些数据:用于标志,影响,胁迫甚至勒索你去说和做符合党的利益的事情。

The good news is that America has finally awoken to the threat. President Trump is taking decisive action to counter it. These actions include preventing companies that answer to the CCP’s intelligence and security apparatus — to include Huawei — from accessing your data; requiring propaganda outlets to label themselves as such; imposing export and visa restrictions on entities and people complicit in repression; limiting the People’s Liberation Army’s ability to use student visa programs to steal U.S. technology; and restricting federal employee pension plans from investing in Chinese military and intelligence companies, among others.

好消息是美国终于意识到了这一威胁。 川普总统正在采取果断行动来反击它。 这些措施包括阻止响应中共情报和安全机构的公司(包括华为)访问你的数据; 要求宣传渠道给自己贴上标签; 对参与镇压的实体和个人施加出口和签证限制; 限制解放军以使用学生签证计划为由窃取美国技术的能力; 以及限制联邦雇员退休金计划投资于中共国军事和情报公司等。

Under Mr. Trump, the days of American passivity and naivety regarding China and its Communist rulers are over. Mr. Trump understands that lasting peace comes through strength. We are the strongest nation on Earth, and we will not bend. We will speak out, we will fight back and, above all, we will stay true to our principles — especially freedom of speech. These ideas stand in stark contrast to the Marxist-Leninist ideology embraced by the Chinese Communist Party.

川普总统的领导下,美国人对中共国及其共产党统治者的被动和天真的时代已经结束。 川普总统明白了想要持久的和平那需要通过力量来实现。 我们是地球上最强大的国家,并且我们不会屈服。 我们将敢言,我们将进行反击,最重要的是,我们将恪守我们的原则,特别是言论自由。 这些思想与中国共产党所拥护的马克思列宁主义思想形成鲜明对比。

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