The Montgomery Bus Boycotts By Jaeden Luu

It all dates back to December 1, 1955 when an African American woman boards a Montgomery bus. Her name was Rosa Parks, during her ride she was to leave her seat and let a white man on so he was able to ride, but she refused and did not let her seat go. After a while the police had came and arrested Ms. Parks on the spot. 4 days later all African American men, women, and children had suddenly stopped riding the bus.

"I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free... so other people would be also free." -Rosa Parks
Parks on the bus (left) Parks arrest and taken in after convicted guilty (right)

What happened?

Soon after Parks' conviction, the people of Montgomery had suddenly stopped using the transportation services. Through her arrest the African American community was inspired to fight for their rights on public transportation. After about one year of boycotting the African Americans had finally succeeded in the fight and the U.S. supreme court had made Montgomery integrate their bus system.

People Involved

The success of the bus boycotts brought rise to a new leader in the African American Community. His name was Martin Luther King II. He was an inspiration to all African Americans through his "I Have a Dream" speech and his movements toward desegregation.

Another person involved with the boycotts was Rosa Parks. Even though she was arrested on the bus, it was not anonymously. Her actions on the bus were all planned and she was willing to risk it all for African Americans. Rosa Parks was a role model to everyone and those after her because of what she did to help her people.

This video will show a bit more detail on how Parks and some others impacted the civil rights movement.

When boycotting the buses African Americans faced troubles such as finding the transportation to school and work, but it was easily solved by biking or walking to their destination. The longing impact of this boycott was the inspiration to boycott whatever people thought wasn't fair; although some of the boycotts were not always successful.

Today boycotting has had a long lasting impact on the people, whether it's something deemed unfair to them or they just want to boycott something, people use it a lot. Especially during the United Airline crisis.

What happened?

The United Airlines Crisis was when United Airlines, the plane transportation business, had forcibly removed a man off the plane to make room for their employees. The video went viral and sent over a few billion people into an outrage. Some people were so mad that they started boycotting United Airlines' flight to keep them from getting money and service so they'll go out of business unless they provide better service to their customers.

This video shows the man dragged off the plane and shows the media's response to the video.

The image to the left is a picture of David Dao the man who was forced off the plane and caused a scene after being asked to leave which resulted in an injury to his head and cause him to start bleeding at the mouth.

These event compared to each other are very similar. Both sides of the boycotting had wanted one goal and their ways of getting it were also the same. Both people had stopped using the provided system in order to gain something from the service.


Estes, A. C. (2017, April 10). Let's Boycott United Airlines. Retrieved April 25, 2017, from Staff. (2009). Martin Luther King Jr. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from Staff. (2010). Montgomery Bus Boycott. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from


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