Good Life History Museum By: Marla Smith

This picture shows nature on display. I knew butterflies had to eat, but was very surprised to find them eating like this! This was very interesting to me because bugs always freaked me out. Going to the butterfly rainforest was very eye opening, that butterflies are actually beautiful and not gross, nasty insects. I definitely enjoyed this section because the butterflies were very colorful and it was not what I was expecting.
This picture just makes me think about my size in this world. There are so many things such bigger than I. Also this makes me think about taking care of the species we have in our lives at this moment or else they will go extinct like these other species before us. This represents Leopold's beliefs in appreciating nature in our own way.
This picture gives me a perspective of the history of humans. The nature and history of our ancestors is mind blowing how much we don't know about it. It reminds me of the fact that we are all reliant on nature, both back then and even more now. We rely on nature for our businesses (oil from the earth), the food we eat, the water we drink, and the things we produce. This exhibit makes me connect with people from hundred of years ago and makes me relate to them on another level than I wouldn't have before.
This picture I took in front of the butterfly museum. I love the state that I live in and thought it was important to share it with the world.

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