working conditions in mexico emrie young 2017

It is shocking how much people get paid in Mexico than in the U.S today. People get paid very little in Mexico although they work very hard for many hours. For that reason mexico workers can not afford little the little things like clothes for example.

With this in mind, some people in Mexico are on the streets. Some reasons are because of the bad desitons that they made. Another reason is because of the low payments . Even because of the low payments in Mexico, some mexican workers come to the US to get more money that way they can provide for there families. This reason is because money in the US has more value to Mexico workers or just Mexico in general.

Kids in Mexico have a choice to work but although some times they have to that way they can afford more for there families in Mexico. This has to be done sometimes because not all families in mexico can afford everything they need. They cant afford everything they need because maybe there are single moms or dads and them working is just not enough.

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