Snow Like Ashes Trilogy by: sara raasch; reviewed by: angie morales

Book 2; Ice Like Fire

The second book to the snow like ashes trilogy shows us how Meira's life changes since getting her kingdom back. As we know she is the magic conduit to her Winter kingdom, yet she still keeps it secret until she shares them in order to stay as the real soldier Meira. She was forced to open up her mines by Noam, king of Cordell, in order to repay them back for their aid. In the midst of her people digging for treasure they find the magic chasm that holds all the world's magical powers. Meira wants to keep it hidden from Noam so she'll have an advantage from them and to keep the dark magic from spreading, but his son Theron tells him about it. Theron has a plan to make treaties with all the kingdoms, so in the end if the dark magic such as the decay and Angra comes to take over the world everyone else will keep peace and fight him as one. Meira still cannot hear her mother anymore, ever since the discovery of the magic chasm. Her powers have gotten out of control and she has no idea what to do without her mother's guidance, the only thing she has is the dreams that tell her what to do. Those dreams explain to her what her mother did wrong when she was alive, and in that form she learns. Theron and Meira grow apart and the only reason she went on the trip was to get more help, other than Noam's, for her kingdom and she will not let Theron get in the way. She realizes she cannot be with someone who does not care more about Winter than her, she wants someone with the same goals. Not only does she separate from Theron but with Mather too! They had a heated argument that left most of us in tears. The whole book revolves around finding the three keys, before Theron, in order to keep the magic chasm closed and getting aid from Ventralli, Summer, and Paisly. Once Queen Meira leaves her kingdom, Noam orders the Winterians to stop training their soldiers. Mather has had enough of Cordell taking over his kingdom and creates a group called "the children of the thaw". Alyson, his mother, is the only one who actually discovers he is training them and steals swords, along with other weapons. One of Noam's soldiers kills her and a whole war breaks lose in the Winter kingdom, again! Meira finds both keys before Theron, with her new friend's help Ceridwen. When Meira and Theron reach Ventralli everything goes down hill. Angra, the evil king of spring, is not dead. Theron kills his father and he is now the king, Angra has manipulated him and is now controlling Theron's mind. Angra has the magic of the decay, which is evil. Now he basically rules Autumn, Cordell, Summer, Spring, Ventralli, and unfortunately to Meira's doom (ours too) winter kingdoms. Meria has to save everyone from the dark intentions of Angra.

Personal review

This series so far has been heart wrenching but exceptionally written that I can't even stay mad at Sara for breaking my heart so many times! First I rooted for Mather and Meira to be together, then all of a sudden Theron comes along and my ship changes (we all know Meira and Mather will end up together). Usually I can predict how the story will unfold, but this book took me by surprise! The characters are well described and I can actually imagine this book without any problems. The magic aspects of the book is so phenomenally confusing but in an amazing way! The magic in this book never seems to end and theirs so many different aspects that most of us would have never thought of. Angra is the bad guy but somehow the author does not allow me to hate him as much because of his past. Overall this series has been one of the best I've read in my lifetime so far. I would recommend this series to anyone who loves over coming challenges and life obstacles, along with magic imbedded in it. Sara seems to never let Meira rest and actually be stress free! The obstacles she faces are enormous and keep coming, but it makes it so interesting. Ice like Fire taught me to never hide myself because that is what saves me, myself. I love how this book is fiction but you can relate it so much to well reality! Definitely one of the best reads this year for me.

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The cave in which the magic chasm was found.
The keys of the order of lustrate to open magic chasm.
The magic conduit of the Winter kingdom.
The autumn kingdom
The decay "dark magic of angra"

"The most powerful magic of all is choice, and of that power, the strongest choice anyone can make is an act of sacrifice."

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