Williamsburg Journal: George Wythe By Jiyon ChatteRjee

TUESDAY: This is a compass that was used aboard a ship that sailed to Jamestown, "The Susan Constant." It functions using magnets, and can have a frame of wood around it. It was used by the English and other European countries; it was a instrumental device to explorers, because it assisted them in navigating the waters.


This was one pillar amongst a circle of more of them. This was part of an Indian dancing circle, where the Powhatan Indians would dance and tell stories; the circle's other purposes are unknown. It is composed of wood, and possibly resembles a Powhatan man.

Powhatan Pillar

Today, I strolled down to the Cooper's, right by my house. I was in need of some buckets and mugs for my cooks, so I just bought some newly made ones from the cooper myself. I didn't send one of my slaves; slavery is a cruelty in itself, and in addition to that one of mine was ill. I didn't want her to be subject to the pain of going to the Cooper when she was ill — so I went myself.

The Cooper Shop

I'd beento cooper shops many a time, back in my youth, when I had to fetch some barrels for my family's plantation. Barrels and buckets were made using separate planks and metal rings; the planks are slipped Cedar wood planks, buckets and barrels were littered around the small shop, along with a wooden stump still sporting an axe in it. I sauntered up to the cooper at the desk; I already knew what I needed. The shopkeeper seemed quite awestruck that a man such as I would himself walk into a lowly cooper's shop; however, he meekly took my order and handed me the buckets I needed, along with a few beer mugs I desired. I tossed him the silver pieces he needed and proceeded on my way.

Inside the cooper's
A wooden beer mug

Next, I attended to the state of affairs (and socialized, while I was at it). I strolled down to the Governor's Mansion, where I met with my dear friend, Virginia Governor Francis Fauquier. We played a few rounds of Cribbage, an entertaining card game, then settled down and discussed current events; he seemed to despise Patrick Henry quote a lot, although I admire the man for his words.

TheGovernor's Crest

I have an admiration for the Governor's swords; they are a true representation of his power and status. Countless muskets also line the walls.


I quite admire the room where the govenor's wigs reside; they are elegant additions to the governor's attire.

The Governor's Wigs

After my chat with Lord Faquier, I was feeling quite exhausted, so I retired to my room in my house. I felt like a long war was coming.

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