Luke Martin Senior

First thing you should know about me is that I love coding and working with computers so if you need someone to hack into the Pentagon... I'm not your guy.

Second thing is that anything technology related fascinates me and makes me want to learn more about it.

And lastly, I love to play video games from any genre and any system ranging from the "retro" era to the new gen.

The place I want to visit most is San Jose, California!

I have many interesting hobbies.

First off, I enjoy coding in my free time. I have learned Java and C++, and I hope to learn many more such as HTML, JavaScript and even C.

Second thing is that I love to play retro video games such as Super Mario and the Legend of Zelda.

I enjoy gaming on new systems as well, even if I mainly play Playstation 4, and I am in the midst of building my own PC from the bottom up.

And my last hobby is that I enjoy collecting foreign money, ranging from a franc, to the now used euro. I have money from over 21 countries.

These are some of the foods I enjoy eating, such as; tacos, spaghetti, chicken lo mein, and homemade soups.
The superhero I would like to be is Batman because he is a very intelligent individual and has a very skilled hand in creating gadgets and using technology.

In the future, I plan on becoming a software...

and a hardware engineer. Maybe I will one day be as rich and awesome as...


The unfortunate end of my web page. Thanks for viewing!


Created with images by cocosa007 - "graduation square academic cap the last" • joffi - "hacking hacker computer" • FredCintra - "Control is an Option to Command" • justusbluemer - "Nintendo Gameboy Pocket" • skeeze - "mountains landscape scenic" • Claudia_midori - "Tacos" • jeffreyw - "Mmm... meatballs" • jetalone - "永利 (中華料理, 豊洲)" • @joefoodie - "Chicken Soup" • Pexels - "code code editor coding"

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