titanium #22 ~german ruiz~

symbol- Ti

protons- 22



mass- 47.88

Titanium- is the chemical element of atomic number 22, a hard silver-gray metal of the transition series, used in strong, light, corrosion-resistant alloys.

William Gregor was the British mineralogist who discovered the elemental metal titanium in 1971

how is titanium used?

Titanium metal is used for alloys with with aluminium, manganese, iron, and other metals. These alloys of titanium are used principally in the aerospace industry, for both airframes and engines, where lightweight strength and ability to withstand extremes of temperature are important.

Even though it was discovered in 1791, it wasn't named until 1795

-melting point- 1,677°C (3,051°F)and a boiling point is 3,277°C (5,931°F)

-Titanium is the ninth most abundant metal in the earth's crust.


Created with images by www.hacienda-la-colora.com - "Musée Guggenheim Bilbao Museum Picture Image Photo Photography Spain Espagne" • Erdenebayar - "iron melt furnace" • Moto@Club4AG - "M7 Titanium #frs86 #club4ag @helloimgil @trackwrex @beatsonicusa"

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