2016 Photography Portfolio by: Hannah Baker

I decided to take photography because I really enjoy taking pictures and I wanted to learn more about photography in general and learn different ways to take pictures and the different types of images that you can create.
Depth of field is a concept that I have learned by taking photography. Depth of field is what makes your background sharp or blurry. By having a long depth of field, your background will be sharper but when the depth of field is short, you will have a blurry background. As you can see, my image has a short depth of field.
Optimizing is the part of photography where you have the opportunity to make your photo the best it can be. On my image, I cropped it, I changed to levels to make the image brighter, and I used the dodge tool to make the nail polish itself brighter and stand out more.
I have learned many different lighting techniques that you can use when shooting portraits. There are many different lighting set ups that you can use but not all of them are good for taking portraits. The best kind of lighting to use would be the natural light from an overcast day. In my image, I used sight lighting with fill which made it easier to get the catch light in both eyes.
The project that taught me the most was the product photography shots because I learned different techniques that you can use to the image you are looking for. I also learned that you do not need to use professional or complex materials to create a good image . You can use everyday things like a folder as your backdrop or surface area, you could also use a mirror to get a reflective surface area.
The traditional portraits project was my favorite project that we did in class and I would definitely try it again in the future. I liked the concept of having other people as my subject model because I could tell them what I wanted them to do so I could get my photo exactly how I wanted it. I think that having the knowledge and ability is a really good skill to have.
This is my special effects project. I really enjoyed making this image!

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