The Train Ride! By: Carly johnstone

The Train!

Finally we have arrived. We arrived in Toronto.I didn't know where I was, but my mom was so jumpy she couldn't even stand still for a second. Finally, I asked "Mom, where are we?"


My mom said, "Welcome to Toronto, Terrence!", I was so confused. "Why would my mom be so excited about Toronto?".

Busy Toronto!

It doesn't make sense at all. My mom started running somewhere and of course I followed. It was so busy I just barely could see my mom. Then, I finally caught up with her. She was standing in front of a building. Then I looked at it again and it looked very familiar but at the same time it doesn't ...I don't get it?

The Mansion!

Then mom said, "We're here now. Finally, Terrence, welcome to your dad's mansion..!". I was so confused.

Mom had said Dad died two years ago.


She has been lying to me all my life!

Who was he!

So, mom said, "I know I have been lying to you all your life and I thought you should finally find out. Your father is in this mansion but...your...father...and...I...are... DIVORCED!! When you were born, your father and I divorced right after. Right now he isn't home but we will wait".

I finally meet my father!

My mind was blown.





Created with images by qrevolution - "Train" • Didgeman - "railway station cologne train" • Blok 70 - "Toronto" • Blok 70 - "Toronto" • ronkowitz - "architecture biltmore north carolina" • Scott McLeod - "Question Mark Cookies 3" • Marco Bellucci - "Question mark" • Stefan Baudy - "Question!" • Hanna Khash - "exclamation mark" • diego_torres - "land's end rock ocean"

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