Purpose Codi McMillan

She finds comfort outside in the crisp air

and wild fields with her best friend,

Says the battered leash on top of the dirty and worn tennis shoes.

She loves to travel and explore new possibilities,

Says the souvenirs from far and wide laying on the carpeted floor.

She wants to capture beauty and remember the important things in life,

Says the camera on the smooth wood floor,

who has seen joy and pain in every corner of the world.

She she values family and laughter,

Says the sun kissed dining room with a long table ready to be filled.

She wants to do great things with her life,

Says the UT jacket casually slung over the antique chair.

She wants to always be confident in herself,

Says the delicate jewelry hanging from the stand in front of the wall.

She dreams of a better world-- with no limits --

where anything is possible,

Says the Harry Potter movies

lined up on the small wooden table in front of the wall.

She's a hard worker and will overcome anything life throws at her,

Says the racquet leaning against the dark door

with a tattered grip and a silver cross necklace

laced through the fraying strings.

She escapes the troubles of life through words,

Says the crammed and splintering bookshelf with an aged Bible.

She devotes herself fully to His purpose,

Says the open Bible on top of the soft blanket

with the journal and pencil.

She is joyful in the Lord and sees the good in people,

Says the colorful Christmas tree

with an array of ornaments collected over time.

She uses her talents to worship God,

Says the century old piano with a cross

hanging above the well cared for keys,

yellowed with age and smooth with the fingerprints of three generations.


Created with images by Pexels - "landscape mountains nature"

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