The Blood of Olympus BY: rick riordan

Published in 2014, The Blood of Olympus, takes place in Greece, Italy and parts of North America. The author of this book, Rick Riordan, was a teacher at a school in Texas and quit his job to create this series originally based on bedtime stories he told to his son.

The Son of Neptune is about a character named Percy Jackson. Percy has severe dyslexia and ADHD, which is a side effect of being a Greek demigod.

The group of heroes travel to Greece where three of them must go to the home of Odysseus to find out information on Gaea, the Earth goddess. Before they leave, with the information they discover, they are stopped by an old leader and are forced to fight. They make it out almost okay except Jason got stabbed with a type of poisonous gold. They discover that if they follow the path that they were planning to, their ship would be destroyed by a catapult. So, they must take an alternate path to avoid destruction and get an antidote to the poison for Jason.

So far I enjoy the book because it has a lot of the Greek mythology that I enjoy and is a good start to the end of a five book series

I don't like that in this book there are two story-lines going at the same time

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