Spicetopia Spice life up a notch

This motto states that everything here is fun, exciting, and full of adventures. Another short word to describe this would be simply, spicy.

Our mission here in Spicetopia is to ensure an excellent future for everyone here. No need to worry yourself about boring political issues, and things like that that distract you in your normal life. Here, you can have fun everyday, and not have to worry about anything!


1:NO being annoying to others

2:You must work before you play

3:Adults work for at least 6 hours a day, kids 4 hours a day. (The rest is all hangout time.)

4:No littering, or drugs allowed .

5:No swearing allowed.

6:Everyone needs to have a job.

7:Be a good, responsible citizen and fellow neighbor

8:Everyone needs to have at least one pack of Old Spice deoterant.

9:Everyone needs to do at least 30 mins of excersize a day.

10:No hurting others out of anger, only for self defense, if there is any reason to.

Our gov. system is a democracy, and works perfectly with our community.


Morning: Wake up at around 8:30, have breakfast, excersize, start job.

Afternoon: Lunch at 12:00, kids end jobs at 12:30, grownups end at 2:00.

Evening: Dinner at 6:30, night games at 9:00 to 12:00, go to bed if u want to.

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