Windy Gap A Young Life Camp

Monse (left) and Juana (right) are about to go on the giant swing, one of the most popular YoungLife camp attractions.
Brianna was the only 6th grade girl from her middle school to go to camp. She addressed herself as "banana" the entire weekend and opened up about the struggles she faces at home. She says she will definitely be coming to winter weekend at Windy Gap again next year.

Now let's hear from a YoungLife leader in the high country, Ellen. Ellen was an adult guest at camp this weekend, which means she got to watch all of the craziness from afar.

Juana learned a lot this weekend and deepened her friendships. She opened up to her friends and leaders and found joy in the things she was taught.
Madeleine Campbell (middle), a WyldLife leader at Parkway, is the Parkway team leader. She does all the hard work so that middle school kids can come to camp. Here she is pictured with Shalen (left) and Bianca (right).

Madeleine says, "Once I was a camper having the same experience my middle school friends had, now I am a leader seeing camp from a different perspective. It's sweet knowing I am in the same spot my leaders once were; knowing how much love and hope they had for me!"

Suzy Barker, a leader at Blowing Rock and former Windy Gap horse wrangler, showed some girls the behind-the-scenes by taking us down to the barn, even though it was closed. She says, "My favorite moment of camp was when I got to sit and talk to Elle (on left) on the rocking chairs because it was sweet time and we had good conversation".
This is a glimpse at a weekend at YoungLife camp. It is filled with lots of games, screaming, and fun. Every time it is a life changing experience.

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