Co-Educational Sports Stereotyping each gender

The majority of public schools only offer sports where athletes can compete with just his or her respective gender. When public schools keep genders segregated in sports, it causes each gender to be stereotyped.

People believe that girls only care about their appearance and how they look, rather than their athletic ability. Co-ed sports would allow girls to demonstrate how that assumption is wrong.
People believe that men are too strong for women to compete with, and should not play together in the same leagues.

Women train and practice just as hard as men do...

...and can compete just as hard as them too.

In the end, all athletes just want to be viewed the same and equal as each other. Athletes just want to be respected for his or her athletic ability.
Created By
Andrew Spuhler


Created with images by Jim Larrison - "Basketball Scrimmage Boys vs. Girls" • keijj44 - "softball team girls players" • Malcolm Slaney - "Peninsula Flyer's Boys Team" • Sarebear:) - "Hip" • kaboompics - "lipstick lipgloss lip gloss" • Katie Tegtmeyer - "Double Vision" • skeeze - "weight lifting competition silhouette" • Pitoboy333 - "girls boys playing" • Jim Larrison - "Fighting For The Ball - Girls vs. Boys" • genielutz - "soccer sportsmanship playing"

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