Teddy Roosevelt Life By: Travis Coleman

As a child, he had Asthma so his dad made him do activities thinking that it would go away if used to the activities. These included: Horseback Riding, a Gymnastics, lifting weights, and boxing.
He was the President of the Board of The New York Police Commission. Did many great things there as the President.
After that He was the assistant secretary of The Navy and he basically called the shots all the time. He didn't like that job anymore so he became apart the group called the Rough Riders. He wanted to fight. Gets the Medal of Honor.
26th President of The United States. Won the Nobel Peace Prize for negatiating Peace between the Russian Japanese War.
Roosevelt was speaking in front of a crowd after his presidency and was shot. Th bullet lodged through his chest, but he stayed talking for 90 minutes after he was shot.
During World War 1 he strongly supported the allies and was very involved with the war. He wanted a harsher policy against Germany.


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