The Alchemist Love and letting go

"He recognized that he was feeling something he had never experienced before: the desire to live [somewhere] forever" (8).

Home is where the heart is, Santiago is a man of travel. He dedicates his life to traveling the world and never looking back, until the merchant's daughter. The feeling that you could stay at one place forever with one person means the world. The fear that if you leave, maybe they wouldn't want you anymore is terrifying. Santiago started to realize that she was his home.

"...because she didn't depend on him. Maybe she didn't remember him" (30).

Being a shepherd, means to always take care of your sheep. Travel and keep your sheep safe, because they depend on you to take care of them. Santiago needed this feeling of being needed, to keep going. What if this girl he had been so fixated on, didn't even remember who he was, where he is, or even care about him in the first place. This love, devotion for a women that wouldn't even remember whom he was.

"He thought of the merchant's daughter, and was sure that she had probably married"(76).

Santiago has had a change of heart. He needed to follow his dream. He needed to let go of this girl holding him back from his personal legend. And at that moment, he finally realized that he could, he could let go of this dream girl from the Andalusia region. This is, was the start of his adventure, the loss of his first "love." He continued on his journey with nothing holding him back.

"I've found Fatima... She's worth more than treasure"(122).

Another example of love along the expanding journey that Santiago goes though. Fatima is a girl from the oasis that Santiago stays when coming across a war between two separated sides. She is one of the desert women, she supports Santiago and his adventure to find his personal legend. When Santiago meets Fatima, he is automatically love struck by her. Love at first sight, some might say.

"So I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me to find you" (126).

Out of the million things Santiago could've said, he explained to Fatima how he felt about her in such a beautiful way. The universe is ever expanding, and so is his love for Fatima. Some force was pushing them towards each other, an they finally found each other. By this statement, you could assume that they were destined for one another. Soul mates, if you are a hopeless romantic like me.

Thank you for your time.
Created By
Julia King


Created with images by LoboStudioHamburg - "roses flower love" • freephotocc - "conceptual wooden basket" • Marco Nürnberger - "Forgotten Sounds Pt. II" • Zorro4 - "mural girl balloon" • annca - "pocket watch time of sand" • skeeze - "milky way andromeda stars" • Riedelmeier - "castles fence love"

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