Spanish-American War

Imperialism is when supreme country takes control of a country through political and/or economic dominance.

Colonialism, although similar it differs from imperialism, due to the dominant country physically occupying the territory with its presence along with political and economic control.

A Colony is when a country is under political control from another country. During the 1800's Cuba was a colony of Spain
Jose Marti lead revolutary forces to gain Cuba's independence from Spain in 1895.
USS Maine was stationed in Cuba during the Cuban's revolt when an unexplained explosion caused it to sink in 1898.
President McKinley received permission on April 19th from Congress to use American troops to free Cuba from Spain
Teller Amendment stated if Cuba gained their independence from Spain the United States would not take control of Cuba and have it become part of the U.S. as a state.
Battle of Santiago July 8, 1898 marked the defeat of Spanish forces and ended the Cuban war.
Treaty of Paris after Cuba gained their independence the United States gained Puerto Rico, Philippine Islands and Gum for a cost of twenty million dollars.

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