Renaissance A to Z by Audrey Hill Period 6
The Anglican church was created by Henry VIII when he broke from the church. He broke from the church because the pope said no when he wanted his divorce and he became the head of this church and got this divorce. This was important to the Renaissance because when he made it it could have caused a great deal of confusion because they did not know which church was the right one even if they taught the same principles.
Botticelli was a well known artist in the Renaissance because of his detailed art on the mythical themes such as Greek or Roman. This was important to the Renaissance because artist inspire other artist and speak through their art.
The Catholic Church was important to the renaissance because the Catholic Church had the people do indulgences. Without it Martin Luther couldn't have posted his 95 theses about the church.
Donatello was a sculptor. He would use stone, bronze, wood, clay, stucco and wax. These helped him when he did his larger architecture pieces. He was important to the renaissance because he could sculpt classical and renaissance style sculptures.
El Greco was a painter, sculptor and an architect. Like all other artist he helped inspired every one with his artwork.
Gemma Frisius was a physician, mathematician, cartographer, philosopher, and instrument maker. He was importnant to the renaissancce because he inspired people to do pyshics and when he invented the globe he helped with navigation.
Johannes Gutenberg invented the first movable printing press. This helped the renaissance beacause it helped information travel faster. He also helped the Bible become available to more people.
Heresy was related to the renaissance because when they went against the Catholic Church they were punished. For example they were burned at the stake.
The indulgences were very important to the renaissance because in the 95 theses. Martin Luther declared that doing indulgences were wrong because they were paying the pope money because they told them that if they did they can repent for their sings and their ancestors' sins. They also promised their ancestors and you a spot in heaven.
Joan of arc believed she was chosen by god to lead France to victory after their loss to England for 90 years. With Joan's help, France won the hundred years war. This relates to the renaissance because it shows that the Catholic Church can be harsh like when the burned her at stake and how woman had a little say in the Renaissance time.
Kopernik is considered a father of modern astronomy. He helped the renaissance and modern times and showed us astronomy.
Leonardo di Vinci was called the Renaissance man because he did inventing, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, math, music, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. He inspired multiple people.
Martin Luther is important to the renaissance. He posted the 95 theses on the Wittenberg Chapel that showed the people that the church was wrong.
Nicolaus Copernicus was important to to the renaissance because he was a renaissance ideal. He was a mathematician, an astronomer, a church jurist with a doctorate in law, a physician, a translator, an artist, a Catholic cleric, a governor, a diplomat, and an economist.
Ognissanti Madonna was painted by Giotto. It is a picture of Mary and baby Jesus. He painted it for the church. It shows how much the renaissance believed and trusted the church.
The printing press relates to the renaissance because with the printing press, news was able to travel faster and reach more people.
Giovanni Battista di Quadro is one of the most famous architectects in Central Europe. He rebuilt the town hall and did jobs that paid really well. When he died he wasn't in debt. The renaissance can use him as inspiration and not get in debt and always do great things.
Raphael was a painter and an architect. He worked with Michelangelo and Leonardo Di Vinci for great master pieces of that time. After his death, the influence of his great rival Michelangelo was more popular. He was a great artist and he worked with some of the greatest artists ever and that was an inspiration to the renaissance.
Shakespeare was talented in playwriting and and was one of English's greatest writer. Shakespeare was important in the Renaissance because he influnced other writers.
Hannah Tompkins was inspired and found a love for shakespeare. She like to paint and write. I included her because it show how the renaissance inspired people today.
The Uffizi is a museum located in the Piazza della Signoria. It was created by Giorgio Vasari. In August 8 years ago the museum got partially flooded from a terrible rainstorm. This is related to the renaissance because it was created by a renaissance architect and painter, and houses some of the most importnat Renaissance works.
Georgio Vasari was a painter, architect and writer. He worked on the Uffizi in Florence and churches and palaces in Arezzo and in Pisa. He could spread the idea of architecture and arts.
Rogier van der Weyden was a succesful artist. His paintings were taken to Italy. He painted single and diptych portraits. He was important to the renaissance because he showed other painters that came after him it is possible to be successful.
Ulrich Zwingli was leader of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland. It was important to the Renaissance because he spread his ideas of reformation throughout the time of the Renaissance.