The English Civil War Jack conger

The English Civil War was in 1642-1651. It was fought, primarily, over who should rule England, Parliament or the King.
The first and Second war (1642-1646, 1648-1659) were between the rule of the Long Parliament and King Charles I.
The Third war (1649-51) was between King Charles II and the Rump Parliament.
The Outcome of the war was the execution of King Charles I, the exile of his son, and that if a King wanted to rule, they would have to get the consent of the Parliament.
The Church of England saw its opportunity, and became the monopoly of religion in England at the time, and Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland begun.


Created with images by smithieslisa - "english civil war reenactment historical" • GabrielGC - "congress argentina policy" • Charles D P Miller - "Civil War reenactment at Basing House" • Street Photography candid - "The Earl of Manchester's Regiment I [explored]" • JackPeasePhotography - "Arundel Castle from below, West Sussex" • cyparissi - "church amesbury england"

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