The awEsome raindrop By: alexis

Once there was a raindrop named Timmy. He asked his parents, "Can I move out?". I remarked

"You got one more month!" they responded.

"Ok I quess I will just wait then," he replied.

When Timmy walked up the stairs he went in his room and plopped on his bed. Suddenly he woke up and went to the surface of the water. He was rising to the clouds.


"OMG I'm turning white" I remarked

It felt like it was going to rain, but the bright sun came out. I was jumping up and down with excitement screaming, "YAY".

Bang Bang," what was that" I thought to myself. I was looking around, the clouds were getting gray.

"My cloud was turning gray," whispering to myself.

"I am turning gray" screaming out loud

"Ahhhh" I'm falling from the sky.


PLAT onto a glacier, it was cooold.

As I was walking and heard a voice, calling my name. Looking around I saw something running towards me, "mom, dad" calling their names back to them.

As fast my little legs would let me run, I ran towards them.


It was so fun moving that we wanted to move again. One night my parents and I were talking about going into the water again.

The next day we found ourselves sliding into the ocean. I was so happy that we moved again.

I was trying so hard to tell dad to have fun with me, I kept annoying him until he gets up. Suddenly he told me to go hide,

"I will count to 30," dad responded.

"Ok" I was running and I found the best spot to hide.

"Coming better be ready" dad replied

I was whispering to myself "he would never find me here."

"Aww man you found me."

"I sure did I'm kinda getting tired" he said in a tiring voice.

"Me too" I replied.



Created with images by 647264 - "drops window view" • Simon - "sky clouds atmosphere" • ChristopherPluta - "rain after the rain a drop of" • myeviajes - "glacier ice nature" • tpsdave - "california sunset dusk"

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