Text to Art Maya weidman

Research; In addition to this, I also researched different types of pigs in attempts to find a breed that contained letters that would be useful in my final project.
10 thumbnails
3 Comp.
Final Drawing
Final Product

Link to final project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2QQkG6lggE9RFNrTk1RWG1Mb2M/view?usp=sharing

Rationale: My final piece is a Moura Pig made out of letters. I chose to use primarily "o"'s because I found that using a round shape allowed me to have the simplistic final product that I desired. My inspiration for this piece was a song I know that teaches you how to draw a pig. The song helped me mentally visualize the pig prior to attempting the piece. I encountered a few problems during the creation process, however the biggest was that when I tried to enlarge a letter, it became far too thick and bulky. I solved this problem by putting a white outline around the letters, the white blended in to the background giving the appearance of a thinner letter. The most interesting part of creating this, was experimenting with different fonts. I ended up choosing Myriad Pro, however the experimenting opened my eyes to the impact that font/style can have to a piece. Creating this has taught me many skills, however I believe that the use of outlines will be most beneficial to me in the future. I now have a larger selection of fonts available, as I can use an outline on fonts that I previously had thought were too thick.

Created By
Maya Weidman

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