My December By sarah

December 1st started the cold, windy, 5 degree month of excitement, fun, and 2 weeks of no school. I had woken up by 7:30 to see everyone texting me that there was only 24 days up until Christmas while I was thinking of how I was going to survive the freezing air outside. I was finally glad that it was the last month of the year and there were going to be 6 months of school left in 2017. But I was still impatient to start my day! Now without any further adieu, here was my eventful December!

Once the next day, Decmeber 2nd came, it was also pajama day at school. A lot if people were wearing onesies while others were wearing Mr.Martins least favourite hockey teams. That day we also had the holiday gift exchange, and Mr.Miller came in to sing with us.

As the following week came by, it was Sunday, Decmeber the 11th and it had finally snowed! I had went outside for nearly ten seconds to feel how cold it was. And the second I reached for the door knob and my bare feet touched the ground, I knew that this December was going to be freezing cold.

As the following day came by, I woke up at 7 to see the roads were filled with snow! I was happy to know it was a snow day and I would have another day off of school. That thought lasted up until my dad said I was going to school. Within 10 minutes of persuading them how it would be impossible to get to school, so I got to stay home. I hung out with my friends, did my homework 🙄, and enjoyed a day off of school.

On December 15th, we had our first basketball practice. It was cool to get back on the court and to play with a new coach. Mr.Miller was an awesome coach that corrected all our mistakes and he taught us new things and better techniques for everything!

With the second last of school around, we didn't do much work as we really did play cards. Then at the end of the day, we played snoccer.

Once the last day of school approached, finally did opening secret Santa gifts. My favourite part of the day came in the middle block where many obvious gift givers were presented. After many people were recorded opening there presents, I opened mine. With an iTunes gift card, and 8 packs of candy, it was clear I had a years supply of candy. After all the gifts, we played Kahoot or cards. Then once the end of the day came, we ended it playing soccer and all greeting each other a Merry Christmas!

On December 24th, I went to Brampton. It was an easy drive across the highway that lasted 2 hours. After reaching Bramoton, we drove to my dads friend's house.

Finally when the day everyone was waiting for reached, everyone texted "Merry Christmas". December 25th also wasn't snowing, but there was some snow on the ground. So I really didn't know if it was a white or green Christmas. That day, all I really did was play cards, play NBA 2k 16, and watch Warriors vs Cavs.

December 26, better known as Boxing Day, and why I even came here. All I've wanted for all December were shoes. Basketball shoes. Kyrie 2's specifically. In a big city, shopping on the biggest event of the year, has its flaws. My family decided at 1 p.m., that we could go shopping. But as soon as we drove for 5 minutes, all the roads turned into a parking lot, literally.

The cars on the right are parked. About 2-3 blocks away from the store.

Now for my actual shopping excperience. I can sum it up saying, we spent more time finding a parking spot than actually shopping. All I wanted to go to was Nike. But as I entered, it became so loud and crowde. And even though it was crowded, I still wanted to find my shoes. After searching for 20 minutes, I left the store empty handed and no shoes. I found many shoes of all sorts, but none of the $100 shoes impressed me.

Once the last day of the year came with everyone excited to start off 2017, I had gotten shoes which I had wanted this whole month. Sure these shoes weren't the EXACT same as the ones I wanted, but atleast they were Kobe's. When I got them, it was actually my mom that got them with my brother deciding, and not telling me. I was glad to finally get shoes, but I stilled wanted other ones.

2017! The first day starting off the new year kept my 3 year streak of getting grounded on the first day. However at 12 pm I got ungrounded. This day, I also celebrated my dad's birthday where we got him Tim Hortons instead if a cake becasue we all like this better.

Next, on January 2nd, I finally got a good pair of shoes. So I just took them so I no longer had to look for more!

January fourth, Oscar and I played basketball as our two year "tradition". In 2016, January 2nd, Oscar and I came came of school to play basketball although it was SO cold I could barely feel my hands. This year we did the same, and it was just as cold. Once again, I couldn't feel my hands or dribble the ball. But I still won 12-16.

Now that was the end of my December... and 6 days of January. Starting the new year was amazing and fun, and ending the year was also new, exciting and eventful with many fun surprises!

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