The Land By: Mildred D. Taylor

Black CODes

By:Anmol Chowdhary

The Black Codes were established in America in 1865-1866. These laws were entrenched to replace the controls of slavery. The Black Codes varied from different states in the south. However, they all had the same general idea.

After the American Civil War, colored people gained more rights than before the Civil War. However, there were still restrictions. For example, South Carolina's Black Codes. Their codes racially separated colored from white people, in their court system. If a person of color committed a crime that whites believed a freedmen may commit such as: rebellion, arson, burglary, or assaulting white women, led to the death penalty for Blacks, however, not whites. Some states also, restricted African Americans from testifying in court.

Some states limited the amount, and type of a land a black person was able to own. Some states also excluded colored people from certain business and skilled trade. Apprentice laws considered, or provided "hiring out," of orphans, and other white dependents. These children dependents often realized the guardian was their former owner.

South Carolina's Black Code had specific restrictions for Black or colored people. For instance colored people were banned from possessing firearms, and making/selling liquor. It also, restricted them from coming into a different state without a "bond," for outstanding or good behavior.

The Black Codes, allowed black people to get married, and gain the legitimacy of their children. However, marriage between Blacks and Whites remained illegal.


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