Course Overview
- There are two prerequisites for this course: GIT215 and GIT337
- Students should have knowledge of and skill with Adobe Creative Cloud software (especially an understanding of: how to edit photos for the web, how to create wireframes and mockups/prototypes with Xd/Illustrator/Photoshop/Figma/Sketch, etc.)
- Students should have an understanding of and ability to write semantic HTML5 and CSS3 (taught in GIT215 and GIT337)
- Students should be comfortable with researching and learning new internet/development technologies
- This class does not include any JavaScript as a topic and use of JS is limited to students who are able to get approval from the professor to use it in specific situations
- Using libraries to build the sites/projects for the course is not allowed
If you have additional questions about this course, you can reach out to the faculty member that currently owns it and is managing the content: Professor Christina Carrasquilla
Course Topics
- Responsive Web Design (Layout Considerations for Accessibility, SEO, and User Experience)
- Responsive Web Development (HTML, CSS, SEO, Accessibility, Usability Concerns)
- Testing Your Responsive Website (Basics/Validation, Cross-Browser Compatibility, Accessibility Testing, Performance Testing)
Course Materials
- Textbook: LinkedIn Learning and Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS by Ben Frain (ISBN 9781839211560)
- Course Announcements and Communication: Slack
- Course Materials: Canvas (find the link in your myASU)
- Visual Studio Code
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Figma
Have additional questions? Reach out to the professor teaching the course section you have interest in registering for using the course catalog. The clickable name shown there leads to their ASU profile and includes their contact information.
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