BSD Battleship T3P4 by Edward Templeton


Throughout the process of our project, the design team, went through many different approaches to the project. Starting in September and to our final journey in January we knew we had to work hard and diligently. But first we needed to know our goals for this project. Which was to build an air cannon that could launch a tennis ball to play a game of battleship on the school field. The basic requirements for our design was for elevation and rotation. In the test we will be testing for accuracy of our cannon on the field by shooting at targets.

For more information on the project click the button labeled "Project Guidelines"


Starting in September we began by reading the guidelines of the project. starting with brainstorm ideas and thoughts. Such as prototypes of basing our cannon off of motors and WWII battleship cannons. Below are some ideas of what we were thinking.

  • When thinking about this as a bases for our cannon base our concern was that our constraints were that we would have had to use wood wheels.
  • With this design we say that the wood had an adjustable angle and with weight it would be at a fixed angle.
  • With this design we say that there was potential in both weight, angle adjustment, and legs.


During the month of October we took a step back from our cannon and worked on the technical side of the project. By using arduino kits to make our cannons shoot and have a countdown sequence. For more information either click on the button labeled Journal for Our Arduino or go to

Our code


During the month of November we went with putting together our cannons.


During the month of December we worked on the barrel support. This keeps the cannon barrel from bending in on each other. Allowing for shots to be accurate.


During the month of January we finalized our design and our 5 month project was coming to an end. The last thing that was left for us to do was to shoot

Created By
Edward Templeton


Created with images by Vince Alongi - "Old cannon" • Pexels - "military war vintage" • WikimediaImages - "artillery royal museum"

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