My Media Intake By: Bethany Higgins

A majority of my media consumption was watch Blue Bloods through Netflix on a Blu-Ray player and on a PlayStation 4.
Looking at the Nielson report, I realized my two forms of media intake are in the smaller percentile than average adult users
A majority of my Netflix consumption was to drown out any silence rather than playing music
My media consumption is similar to these graphs, but still different because of the way I consume media on a gaming console more than on a smart tv or live television.
All in all, my media consumption exceeded what the Nielsen report article concluded.
My media consumption has stood out to me as something to occupy my time or be placed in the background to cut out silence rather than something to constantly update. I've become much more aware of my consumption after this exercise as well.
Created By
Bethany Higgins


Created with images by +Jenny - "untitled image"

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