Children & You Athanasia Spatharakis

My memories from my childhood is always hanging out with family and friends. I spent most of my time at school, church and with my family. I also remember going to dance, cooking and playing with my dolls. I remember always being energetic and playing with any toy I could find. I also remember always taking care of my younger brothers.

I spent almost all my time at school with all my friends.
I always took care of my little brother, Alexi :)

Some of my favorite memories when I was little was going over to my grandma's house and baking/ cooking. I remember going there and helping since I was three years old. I also loved going to dancing because it meant I would see all my friends from school on a Saturday. My favorite thing to do when I was a kid to travel to Greece and play with all my cousins. When I was not in Greece I loved talking on the phone with my cousins, although we didn't talk often when we did it was my favorite thing.

I loved baking with my Grandma who taught me how to bake Greek pastries :)
I love going to visit all my family and friends in Crete.

Some of my favorite things growing up were the barbie movies/Disney movies (my favorite was Pocahontas), I loved the show Dragon tales and my favorite sport was swimming. My favorite game when I was younger was hide and seek because I loved running around the house with my brothers. I also loved dancing and reading

I loved disney world
My favorite movie and princess was Pocahontas, she was my favorite because that was my nickname growing up.
I loved reading my favorite books where Junie B. Jones

Childhood is crucial because it a person's develops emotional and social aspects in your adult years. It is when a person is able to develop important skills used in everyday life. Also childhood years is when you start to talk which develop social skills and the way the child communicates with others.

Doctors have studied childhood/ child development because they want to see the way your childhood effects your adult years. They want to see how different things down in a childhood effect the person as an adult. They also want to see the impact the social effects have on an adult based off their childhood.


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