Jem Boss duncan

Jem, the little boy in the book not Dill the other little boy. He is scout's brother.

Maycomb is where scout and jem live, with there Dad Atticus and Nanny Calpurnia.

This is the game that they use to play all the time but then scout rolled into Boo Radleys yard she didn't want to play no more.

This is the house that Boo Radley lives he never comes out of his house but scout and jem know that he is alive.

This is when scout and Jem found out that Atticus was brave enough to shoot a dog and we figured out that he can shoot a gun

This is when Atticus was talking to Mayella and she was getting offended

This happen to Jem's farther after the trial and Bob Ewell spat in his face and threaten him

This is when scout and Jem went with calpurnia to church

This is when Tom Robison got shot trying to jump over the fence and escape jail

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