My Grade 9 Self Kelly Vandenbraak

Some of the physical Activities that I've participated in and that I've enjoy now and in the past are Volley Ball, Badminton, Field hockey, Broomball, 4-h(Showing Calves), Working on my farm. Out of all they gym Units in grade 6,7,8 and 9 would have to be Volleyball, because I've improved a lot and my grade 8 I made the Volley ball team. Last year in Broomball my team wasn't the best because the coaches didn't really know how to coach us, so one of the kids on the team asked his dad if he could make a team for the tournament at the end of the season for new players to see if they would like to join next season. When his dad asked me if I wanted to join the team, I was so excited cause I knew that I was on a team that could win the tournament.


For the fitness testing in my first Vertical jump I got 20 centimeters and in my second Vertical Jump I got 21-22 centimeters. In my fist Beep Test I got 3-5 and in my second Beep test I got 5-7. I think that I've improved from the first round of fitness testing because through out the gym course and with broomball starting up I got stronger and have improved my physical capabilities.

Field Hockey

There wasn't to many challenges for me because it similar to broomball, but the one challenge I had was to get control of the ball on the gym floor and when we went outside it was to get the ball to go with me to the other end of the field. The most difficult aspect of field hockey was probably was not to use the rounded part of the stick and that you could only stop the player on the other team by facing them and not reaching in from behind to get the ball.

Track and Field

If I was to join the track and field team at LDSS, I would probably take part in Shot Put, Running long and running triple, because I feel that's what I have the most confidence in and I have a lot of upper body and lower body muscles because I have to lift bags of feed on my farm. I would improve these skills by keeping my muscles strong and to just keep practicing at these skills to improve my form.


If I was teaching someone who has never played football before in their life would first find a decent football. Then I would tell them to stand shoulder width apart and to bend down like they are touching their toes with their knees bent a bit, then I would tell them to put both hands around the ball with their fingers in between the laces and to put the laces down to the ground. I would tell the to yell " Hut then the name of the person or something the team comes up with". Then In a fast motion throw the ball back behind them but towards the sky a bit, for the quarterback to get the ball.

Volley ball

I think that volley ball is a favourite sport at LDSS because there's many different skills to learn or to just improve. Volley ball is an active sport in a game situation because there's not much standing around your always moving when trying to get the ball over or back over the net . If one of our teammates was struggling with their skill execution and I had to give them advice I would tell them to just keep trying and if they need any help the can always ask me, one of their friends or even the teacher to help them on the skills or if they were doing the wrong technique.


I would rather play doubles over singles because you would have a better chance getting to the birdy and to get back to your spot and if u can't get back your partner could get the birdy, but in singles you must gut not get back into your spot into or to get to the birdy. That's why I'd rather play doubles over singles.


I think strong decision making skills are important as we progress through secondary school because in some point before we're out of high school we're going to be introduced to alcohol and if we decide to drink or not we need to make smart choices and if your parents say you can't drink then you have to listen to them. If you parents are fine with you drinking they you need to find a safe ride home or stay at you friends house for the night and to know what they are responsible while they are drinking.

Advice to your Grade 9 Self

My advice to the grade 8's that will be going to high school next year is to just make new friends and to just make this high school experience your own. If anyone gets in the way just keep your head up and just don't care what they are saying about you.


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