Macbeth Kita Miller &' Quan Hunter

Act 1: Macbeth is loyal to the king.

"The service and the loyalty I owe, in doing it pays itself."


Act 1: In this act Lady Macbeth was very ambition

"As we shall make our griefs and clamor roar upon his death"


Act 2: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plot and kill the king

"I am afraid to think what I have done; look on't again I dare not."


Act 2: In this act, Lady Macbeth was proud of the deed she had plotted.

Act 3: In this act Macbeth seems a little "cocky" and believes that noting else bad is going to happen.

"That will never be"


Act 3: In this act, Lady Macbeth was very unaware that Macbeth killed Duncan.

"You have displaced mirth broke the good meeting with most admired disorder"


Act 4: In the last act, Lady Macbeth has killed her self and Macbeth is in all control.

"Hang our our banners on the outward wall. The cry is still they come our castles strength"


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