Felicidad happiness is key


We believe that everyone should be happy. We need to maintain a environment where everyone can be happy when they do their own thing.

How we expect you to live in Felicidad:

  • one or more hours of free time
  • listen and watch whatever you want
  • no judging on what people want to do
  • the choice of schooling is up to the parents
  • you need to live somewhere that supports you as a person
  • no bullying
  • must pay all taxes
  • be supportive
  • equal rights


Felicidad is located in a area that has mixed climates. The different climates will allow everyone to enjoy their specific activities wherever and whenever they want.

What does someone's everyday schedule look like?

  1. At 7, Wake up and get ready
  2. At 7:45, You Eat breakfast with your family, unless your in a rush
  3. At 8:15, You would typically go to school or your job
  4. Around noon, you would eat lunch
  5. You would get home around 3. When you get home you would eat a snack
  6. At 3:30, you would start your activity
  7. At 5:30, you would eat your dinner with the people at your activities location
  8. After dinner you would start your activity again till around 8:30-9, when you go home


Felicidad is known for using a democracy as their government. They're ruled by a president. Each president runs for about 5 years at a time. After these five years we elect a new president to lead our utopia. We use the democracy because everyone will have their opinions on how our country will be through voting.

Why Should You Live Here?

I believe that you should live in Felicidad because it allows everyone to do something they love. In other places, people are judged by the things they enjoy doing. In Felicidad, that wouldn't be acceptable because we want everyone to enjoy what they want to do. Depending on the day, you could go skiing or snowboarding on the mountains or you could go to the beach to snorkel. We want everyone to be happy, that's why it's called Felicidad!


Created with images by realworkhard - "skyline water horizon" • Jonas B - "Mountains" • wka - "Beach" • indi.ca - "Haputale Hills"

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