STACE CARTER Adobe creative resident portfolio

In 2015, I was awarded a 2-week residency by the National Park Service to create short videos about my experience living in Shenandoah National Park. My residency coincided with the "NOBO Bubble" - a short time period when the majority of Northbound ("NOBO") Appalachian Trail hikers have made it to the halfway point between Georgia and Maine. It's a seasonal flock similar to any other migration in nature, and I was given the opportunity to spend almost all of my time with these passers-through, most of whom had undergone great personal change after over 1000 miles of self-subsistence. "Through" is a poetic, personal reflection on the change the Trail brings.

One of my earlier short documentaries was for the University of Virginia - and there’s nothing like being there. “After the Oil Spills” was crafted as part of a larger case study on Crisis Management for the Darden Graduate School of Business. I worked closely with local government, the Coast Guard, fisherman and local NGOs to disentangle the web of stakeholders involved in the cleanup and created this piece - designed as a conversation starter for graduate students- with just a week of shooting on-location.

Another part of my residency with the NPS was to create a digital storytelling educational program as part of the "Find Your Park" centennial campaign. To create the source material for this project, I challenged myself to create a short story in under an hour, similar to what a grade 9-12 student might create as part of a report on their visit to a Park. "Screech" is the result of that project, which is further deconstructed and available as clip components for remixing, in the online course.

My expertise is in videography, editorial and writing - but the learning never stops. For 2017, I've challenged myself to learn more and improve my work in Motion Graphics, dedicating more time to each project on this aspect of the production. Luckily, I had an ESPN-style challenge with the e-learning project "Sustainability through Soccer", and this title clip is the result.

Stace Carter


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