Canada In 2050 by; Navjot Jalf


In this page, I will be giving you a brief description on today's immigration, demography and Native Americans for Canada and my future predictions on these topics. I will also be including an audio clip on how I think life for me is going to be in 2050 compared to my parents lives today.


About 1/5 of Canada's population consists of people born outside of Canada who have immigrated here. Canada accepts almost 250 thousand immigrants from countries all over the world, each year. This really shows you how much Canada relies on immigrants in order for the population to really grow.

This graph shows the amount of immigrants Canada received since confederation to 2012.

2 Immigration Trends

Country of Origin

From 2006-2011, Philippines was the leading country for immigrants coming to Canada. Nearly 152, 300 people immigrating to Canada were born in the Philippines, making up 13.1% of the total immigrants in 2011. This was then followed by China, bringing 122, 100 (10.5%) people and then India with 121, 400 (10.4%) people. The next seven countries out of 10 were the United States, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, Iran, South Korea, Colombia and Mexico.

Push and Pull Factors

Push factors are something that stop you from moving to a country. One specific push factor for Canada is the unemployment rate. This can cause people to leave or not come to Canada because they're having difficulty finding a job or can't find a job that fits them / they're education level. If they can't find a job then they obviously can't make enough money for a living. Canada has many pull factors. For example, the healthcare and education. Canada is known for its good education and healthcare, this makes people want to come to Canada because they can ensure a better future for their kids / future generations. Free healthcare is something that almost everyone needs because healthcare can become very expensive if you have to pay, like in the United States and education is a basic essential of life. Canada is also a very safe country and doesn't have much conflict with other countries or any wars.

Future Predictions

I think that in 2050, there will be even more people immigrating from Asia because from 1986-2001, one half of immigrants were from Asia. The top 3 countries (2011) that immigrants come from are Philippines, China and India, all countries from some part of Asia. Since Iran, South Korea and Pakistan are also from Asia, this makes 6 out of 10 countries from the top 10. I also think the pull factors in 2050 will remain the same. Free healthcare and education is something that has been going for many years in Canada. One factor that could change is that this is safe country, there could be some type of conflict in the future that could cause war but that is very unlikely knowing Canada hasn't had a war since world war 2. The push factors in 2050 could change. I think that the unemployment rate will still remain high because Canada's population is growing and they are mostly looking for younger and more skilled workers instead of older citizens.

Aboriginal Population

The NHS (National Household Survey) described that there were 1,400,685 people who had an aboriginal individuality in 2011, making up 4.3% of Canada's population. In 2006 Census, Aboriginal people made up 3.3% of the population. 3.1% in 2001 Census and 2.8% in 1996 Census.

2 Aboriginal Population Trends

Canadian Distrubution

8/10 aboriginal people live in Ontario and the western provinces like, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The 2006 Census showed that almost 250, 000 aboriginal people lived in Ontario and a little over 700,000 lived in the 4 western provinces. Although this number may seem really high, the aboriginal population doesn't make up much of the provinces population. Aboriginal people made up 2% of Ontario population, 5% for British Columbia, 6% for Alberta, 15% for Manitoba and all of Saskatchewan's population. On the other hand, aboriginal people took up 85% for Nunavut and 50% for Northwest Territories.

Age Composition

Most of the aboriginal population is aged younger than 14, this is because the aboriginal community has higher fertility rate and less life expectancy than non-aboriginal people. In the 2011 NHS, it was shown that most of the aboriginal population consists of children aged 14 and under (382 105 people). They represented 28.0% of Canada's total aboriginal population and 7.0% of children in Canada, there were only 16.5% representing the non-aboriginal children population. There were more than 254 515 aboriginal youth from ages 15-24 that represented 18.2% of the total aboriginal population and 5.9% of all youth in Canada. The non-aboriginal youth represented 12.9% (4.1 million people). Seniors made up 5.9% of the aboriginal population and non-aboriginal seniors made up 14.2%.

Future Predictions

I think that in 2050, there will be a much higher aboriginal population and a longer life expectancy for them. I think this because now there are many aboriginal people who are starting to get an education more than a high school diploma and this can help them find jobs. This can also help them out of poverty and all this could help them have a longer life expectancy. The aboriginal community already has such a high fertility rate and if they gain longer life expectancy through these ways, then their population can start growing very fast. If their population starts growing at faster rate, then there could be more aboriginal people in provinces other than Ontario and the 4 western provinces. This can also help other provinces start looking more diverse.

Canadian Demography

Birth Rate

The fertility rate in Canada has been lower than the replacement rate for the past 40+ years. The last time Canada had a replacement fertility rate was in 1971 when it had reached 2.1 children per woman, meaning couples could replace themselves. In 2011, the fertility rate was 1.61 children per woman but went up since a decade before, it was 1.51 children per woman.

Death Rate

The amount of deaths rose in 2010-2011, the total number of deaths in 2010 was 240, 745 and in 2011 was 242, 074. The number of deaths recorded in 2011 was the highest since 1920's. In 2009, the total deaths were 238, 418 and in 2008, the total deaths were 236, 617. The natural increase rate in 2011 was 4.9 compared to 2008, which was 5.3.

Natural Increase Rate

Recently in Canada, the natural increase hasn't been contributing much to Canada's population. This is because of the Canadian population is now aged and has low fertility rates. Natural increase only accounts for 1/3 of Canada's population and migratory increase accounts for 2/3 as the migratory rate is increasing in Canada.

Future Predictions

I think that in 2050 the birth rate will decrease. Many women are only having 1 or 2 kids due to them being busy for work or other things are not able to raise many kids and I believe this decrease in the future as women are now getting better jobs and are focusing more on their education. For the death rate, I believe the death rate will stay constant because Canadian citizens have a life expectancy of 81 years. Since the baby boomers were born from 1946-1965, they will be around 85 - 104 years old in 2050. As a majority of the baby boomers are affecting the death rate today, this will most likely continue until 2050 unless the life expectancy goes up, which it most likely will due to better technology or more safe living conditions. For the natural increase rate (NIR), I think this will decrease because the number of births is decreasing and the number of deaths is increasing as years go on. This can really cause a change in the NIR because it's really dependent on those 2 factors.

My Life In 2050


In the page I talked about the current situation for the Canadian demography, Native Americans in Canada & the birth, death and natural increase rate. Using the information that I talked about, I predicted how these things would change in 2050 and why. I also added a detailed audio message on how I think life for me is going to be in 2050. In conclusion, these 3 major topics will affect and change Canada and the people that relate to these topics in 2050.

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