Capital University by chano rodriguez

Capital University is located in Columbus, Ohio . Only 18 miles away from Hilliard. Its a division III school with great academics and great athletics.

Capitals Football field

Capital is a private school , that accepts an undergraduate enrollment of nearly 3,000 students. The tuition rate goes for nearly $32,000 which means they're waxing you for the education , although they offer many scholarships . This does not include boarding and other expenses. Capitals average GPA is a 3.4 and the average ACT is a 24 , which means that the students here are pretty academically sound.

Capital is a good college for you if you're looking for more 1 on 1 interaction with your professor, Capitals Student-Faculty ratio is 11 : 1 which is amazing compared to the national average of 18:1

Campus at dusk

Some of Capitals statistics are something good to look a when comparing other schools. Capital has a 72% acceptance rate which is great if you didn't get that GPA or ACT score you were hoping for. They have a 76% retention rate so most students decide to stay for their second year of college. And then Capitals graduation rate is 75% with 3 out of 4 students graduating each year.

Capitals school of LAW

Some of Capitals best majors include Law, Nursing, Social Work and Youth services, Psychology, Business Administration and management. Although if you dont find any of those interesting Capital has over 60 majors to choose from.



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