William Shakespeare Shakespeare is one of best known play writer to date

Play Writer.

Quote 1"Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), was an English playwright, poet, and actor. Many people regard him as the world’s greatest dramatist and the finest poet England has ever produced"(Lander 1)" William was born in 1564 he was one of the oldest children in his family.

Quote 2 Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays, two major narrative poems, a sequence of sonnets, and several short poems. His works have been translated into a remarkable number of languages, and his plays are performed throughout the world. His plays have been a vital part of the theater in the Western world since they were written about 400 years ago"(Lander 2). Shakespeare had other things he could do in his past time then just study and work all day he would catch fish and hunt. As well as other games they had back then those were just 2.

Quote 3 "Shakespeare's characters, language, and stories are a source of inspiration, quotation, and imitation. Many words and phrases that first appeared in his plays and poems have become part of our everyday speech. Examples include such common words as assassination , bump , eventful , go-between , gloomy , and lonely , as well as such familiar phrases as fair play , a forgone conclusion , and salad days"(Lander 4). William attended a school in his area of where he lived the school was for grammar all the teachers at his school were very educated in there field of work. Most of the teachers went to the same school.

Quote 4 "Besides influencing language and literature, Shakespeare has affected other aspects of our culture. His plays and poems have long been a required part of a liberal education. Generations of people have absorbed his ideas concerning heroism, romantic love, loyalty, and the nature of tragedy as well as his portraits of particular historical characters. To this day, most people imagine Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Cleopatra, and Richard III as Shakespeare portrayed them".(Lander 9)" Shakespeare was married on the 27th of November to Anne Hathaway. they say the marriage was rushed because six months later they had a daughter named Susanna.

Quote 5 Shakespeare’s plays appeal to readers as well as to theatergoers. His plays—and his poems—have been reprinted and translated countless times. Indeed, a publishing industry flourishes around Shakespeare, as critics and scholars examine every aspect of the man, his writings, and his influence. Each year, hundreds of books and articles appear on Shakespearean subjects"(Lander 10) In this time in Shakespeare life he would go to London and start working on his path to a play writer

His life.

Quote 1 " William Shakespeare was born in the small market town of Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564, the third of eight children"(Lander 1). In this little article they tell us what Shakespeare did and how good he was

Quote 2 "Beginning at about the age of 7, William probably attended the Stratford grammar school with other boys of his social class. The school’s highly qualified teachers were graduates of Oxford University. Students spent about nine hours a day in school. They attended classes the year around, except for three brief holiday periods"(Lander 4). William Shakespeare wrote many plays and many of the plays are still performed today Shakespeare will always be learned about in school above all other play writers

Quote 3 "Stratford also offered other pleasures. The fields and woods surrounding the town provided opportunities to hunt and trap small game. The River Avon, which ran through the town, had fish to catch. Shakespeare’s poems and plays show a love of nature and rural life. This display undoubtedly reflects his childhood experiences and his love of the Stratford countryside"(Lander 6)." How Shakespeare talked influenced how we talked to day in our every day life, From his plays and where and how he lived in his time

Quote 4 On Nov. 27, 1582, Shakespeare received a license to marry Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a local farmer. The two families knew each other, but the details of the relationship between William and Anne have been a source of speculation. At the age of 18, William was young to marry, while Anne at 26 was of normal marrying age"(Lander)"Scholars have referred to the period between 1585 and 1592, when Shakespeare was called an “upstart” by a London writer, as the “lost years.” Scholars have proposed a number of theories about his activities during that time. But what is certain is that some time before 1592 Shakespeare arrived in London and began to work in the theater"(Lander 7). Many people have Thought of people how they have because of how Shakespeare Portrayed them.

Quote 5 "Shakespeare’s plays appeal to readers as well as to theatergoers. His plays—and his poems—have been reprinted and translated countless times. Indeed, a publishing industry flourishes around Shakespeare, as critics and scholars examine every aspect of the man, his writings, and his influence. Each year, hundreds of books and articles appear on Shakespearean subjects"(Lander). Shakespeare needs his plays to be translated because they language they use is sort of like ours but not quite most words are hard to under stands

Works Cited

Anderson, Robert. “Shakespeare and His Theater: A Perfect Match.” Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, by G. Kylene Beers et al., Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 778-80.

---. “WILLIAM Shakespeare’s Life: A Genius From Stratford.” Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, by G. Kylene Beers et al., Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 776-78.

Hogeboom, Willard L. “William Shakespeare Went West, Or At Least His Plays Did, And The Bard Was A Hit On The Frontier.” Wild West 13.6 (2001): 60. History Reference Center. Web. 18 Nov. 2016.

Lander, Jesse M. “Shakespeare, William.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

‘Royal Shakespeare Company’ 2016, World Book Advanced, World Book, Chicago, viewed 5 December 2016,



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