Do you want to learn what the colonial times were like? Well, I will show you what the times were like.

Every single day, children had to wake up at 5:00 in the morning to do work that grown ups usually do these days, things such as, milking the cows, and gathering the eggs from chickens.

After the small portion of their work, they have breakfast. Children have sweet breakfasts usually, the breakfasts that they have usually are something like waffles. After that, they obviously go back to work. But they ALWAYS fine time to play, their games are nothing like the games we have now. They played outdoors, they played modern hopscotch, tag and other games. As you see, back in the colonial times, they didn't have as great technology as we have now, in fact, they might have not had ANY technology like computers and i-phones.


In the colonial times, as you see, there was racism. Many black people were sold to white people to become slaves, just telling you that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.


Created with images by Mobilus In Mobili - "Colonial" • John Loo - "Eggs"

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