Todd and Tim - Thank you for teaching us to play basketball throughout the years. I had a blast and will always remember what it was like to play on a amazing team that I love. I will miss Tuesday and Thursday nights and playing tournaments on the weekends.

Sometimes the plays didn't always go as planned, but some of the best moments were unexpected!

Sometimes you have to shoot the ball a few times before it goes in . . .

Todd, you would always tell us to leave it all on the court. You encouraged us to play with our hearts and our heads. Tim, you would motivate us in a different way. You would kick the bleachers, yell at the refs, and then give us a hug at the end. I love your passion. The two of you were a perfect pair.

Please know I appreciate all the time and effort you put into this team. You were both so kind to me, and I will always be grateful. I will try and bank in a three-pointer for you guys when I'm in high school.

1 - 2 - 3 Shock!

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