Chapter 7-8 Jare and Aniyah

Chapter 7

Monkey Wrrench quilt directed slaves to get their tools/belongings together in preparation to escape.

Log Cabin Quilts were made by fugitive slaves in the 1840's. Then it was carried to Canada as a gift to William King.

Flying Geese Pattern triangle that pointed north, east, south, and west.

Drunkard's Path pattern gave slaves encouragement to follow a zigzag path similar to a staggering gait of a drunk. Only because the Africans believe that evil traveled in straight lines.

Evening Stars by the Morning Light Quilt. Escaping slaves were told to follow the North Star, some of the 19 century quilStill contain images, but it was made by Raymond G. Dobard.

Simpler Quilt had a number of patterns that were in code. It was pieced together in 1987-88 by meme bees of the Daughters of Dorcas.

Chapter 8

Bearden's Artistic Style

Harriet Power Bible Quilts

Hourglass/Bow Tie Quilt


Created with images by quapan - "►Atlas, {Typhoëus}, Prometheus Bound◄ being savagely con-tortured insurgents put asunder by the tyrant Jupiter & the centrifugal force [_550 BC_]"

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