How To Saddle A Horse By: kyla Jeffries

Step 1: Make sure the horse is clean.

You can do that by brushing the horse to make sure all of the mud and dirt is off the horses body. The most important part is where the saddle pad and saddle goes to prevent rubbing.

Step 2: Put the saddle pad on the horses back.

You are going to need to put it just above the horses withers. That makes sure your saddle will fit in the proper area. The saddle pad protects your horse from pinching and rubbing from the saddle. It needs to be even on both sides.

Step 3: place the saddle on the horses back.

Place the saddle gently on the horses back. Make sure the saddle is far enough up on the horses back, but not on its neck. Place the front on top of the withers.

Step 4: Attach the girth

I remove the girth from the saddle when I finish riding to prevent it from molding. It has air to dry when you remove it, and it does not get bent and out of shape. When it is out of shape, it may hurt the horse. This also keeps it clean.

Step 5: Pull the girth over to the left side from the right side.

Be extremely careful when you do this. The horse may take a step and hit you in the head with their foot and hurt you. Attach the girth to the strap on the left side of the saddle.

Step 6: Tighten the girth

Pull the strap through the girth 2 to 3 times depending on how long your strap is. Pull the girth tight to the horse. I leave it so you can fit 2 fingers between the horse and the girth. That makes sure the horse is not getting hurt by it, and it is tight enough.

Now, you have safely and properly saddled your horse. My mom taught me to saddle my horse. I was 5 years old. Ever since I was 10, I have saddled my own horse. I can safely saddle my horses, but I always make sure i'm careful.


Created with images by Moyan_Brenn - "Horses" • Visit Grand Island - "Nebraska State Fair: Brushing a tall horse" • Fort Rucker - "Equestrian center offers outlet for horse lovers" • Anya1986 - "Forest Trail Riders" • vastateparksstaff - "With an Aussie saddle" • KB35 - "Horse"

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