The Housing Association World Cup 2017 Raising money for Shelter

Hello. To mark its 10th anniversary, Futures Housing Group in Derbyshire is aiming to raise at least £10,000 for Shelter through various events.

One of the events we'd like to organise is a 5-a-side football tournament which would bring together as many housing associations in the East Midlands as possible.

At this stage, we're looking at expressions of interest so if you think your organisation could field one or two teams of up to seven people to play in a tournament one weekend this summer (July or August) then we'd love to hear from you.

If you're interested in taking part there, will be a small fee per player to cover costs and raise money for Shelter.

Please register your interest by emailing Mike Underwood, Head of Comms at Futures Housing Group:


Created with images by Little Baby G - "Soccer 6"

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