Water Pollution Margaux spinali and chrissy pEcora

Things to know

About 75% of the Earth's composition is composed of water, so water pollution is a global problem. Due to the contamination of waters, ecosystems gradually diminish. Several organisms die due to the toxicity of the water. Even humans suffer the same fate because there are people who barely have access to safe portable water. To date, the majority of deaths around the world were caused by water pollution diseases.

How do humans couse/ CONTRIBUTE to this issue?

For eutrophication fertilizers, concentrated animal feeding, sewage, agriculture, and natural events cause it.

Chemicals washed down drains and discharged from factories can cause water pollution. Around half of all ocean pollution is caused by sewage and waste water. ... Virtually everyone pours chemicals of one sort or another down their drains or toilets

What are some impacts of this issue?

Increase in algal and grant growth from nitrogen nutrients and phosphorus needed for photosynthesis. Causing extensive mats of floating plants. This theaters the survival of aquatic life, limits of safe water drinking, impacting human health, and deteriorating of water quality.

What solutions exist?

Composting, pollution reduction, strengthening laws against pollution, and ultrasonic irradiation.

Practice Responsible Use of Fertilizer, Herbicides & Pesticides

Minimize Stormwater Runoff

What solution do you think is the best?

I think pollution reductions and laws against pollution are the best solution because they will be enforced. Also a decrease of pesticides will.

Don't leave the unused chemicals exposed to weather. Dispose of the leftover chemicals and container properly (per the product instructions, or check with your local municipality).

Do not apply near water systems like wells, streams, lakes, or curb inlets/drains.

What are the trade-offs for your chosen solution?

Advantages: helps in disposing harmful materials off the land surface and is inexpensive.

Disadvantages of water pollution include: waterborne diseases, death of aquatic life and hindrance to boating activities.

Quick check

Work Citied page:

  • Conserve-energy-future.com
  • Reference.com
  • Mt. Holyoke college

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